Media Center
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We are so glad you're here! You always have a place in our library. Stop in and find a choice book for class. Play a board game with friends to relax. Collaborate with classmates on your latest project. Formulate a research strategy with us. Trouble with technology? We've got you covered!
Media Center Staff
Mrs. Hastings
Teacher Librarian
ext. 8166 (office)
ext. 8122 (main desk)
Mrs. Hitsman
Library Technical Assistant
ext. 8122 (main desk)
ext 8811 (office)
- 24/7 access to research databases
- Chromebook repair and digital troubleshooting
- Printers and copiers
- Reader's advisory
- Research assistance
- Workspace for project collaboration and groups
- Book Discussions
- Library Workers
- Library Advisory Board
Information Literacy Targets
- Articulate the need for information
- Select appropriate tools and resources
- Determine the extent of information necessary
- Search resources effectively
- Critically evaluate information from a variety of electronic and print formats
- Analyze, organize and synthesize retrieved information
- Communicate using a variety of information technologies
- Understand the economic, legal and social issues surrounding the use of information.